Focused Schools

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

Leadership, Shared Responsibility and Collaboration, High Quality Core Instruction, Organizing the District for Successful Turnaround


The Focused Schools team was founded and is comprised of leaders with years of school and district experience as turnaround leaders. Using a common framework, we provide support through professional development, coaching, and technical assistance to help districts and schools improve teaching and learning opportunities for every student, no exception. From the onset of our partnerships, we begin to work ourselves out of a job by helping to build systems and structures that guarantee results.


Kerry Purcell, Senior Executive
Phone: (844) 957-2466

National Institute for School Leadership (NISL)

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

Leadership, Shared Responsibility and Collaboration


The National Institute for School Leadership (NISL)’s mission is to provide district and school leaders with the tools, resources, and knowledge needed to create systems in which all schools are as effective as schools in the highest performing countries. NISL offers a suite of leadership institutes, including intensive leadership training focused on critical issues.


Phone:  913-909-1997

Mass Insight Education & Research

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Mass Insight Education & Research logo

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

Leadership, Shared Responsibility and Collaboration; Organizing the District for Successful Turnaround


Mass Insight Education & Research’s mission is to provide the leadership in closing the achievement and opportunity gaps for under-served students by focusing on system transformation and student academic success.


Phone:  216-280-2454

School Works Assessing Quality, Building Capacity

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

  • Leadership, Shared Responsibility and Collaboration

  • Organization the District for Successful Turnaround


SchoolWorks ( is an education consulting company that provides a broad continuum of services to educators, administrators, institutions and governing bodies in support of K-12 education improvement and reform. With a foundation in assessment services, SchoolWorks has reviewed and documented the work of thousands of schools and districts since the company’s inception in 1998, developing and refining a proprietary set of research-based criteria (SchoolWorks Quality Criteria) and an evidence-based classroom observation tool (SchoolWorks Classroom Visit Tool) that serve as the framework for this work. With decades of insight into best practices across domains, SchoolWorks provides authoritative school improvement support by helping schools and districts identify their strengths and weaknesses, develop and execute meaningful and achievable action plans, and monitor ongoing progress. The company’s consulting services include 1) designing accountability frameworks; 2) school/district assessment; 3) leadership supports; 4) instructional supports; and 5) lead partner services for turnaround schools and districts.


Kim Wechtenhiser, President
Phone: 978-921-1674