School & Main Institute

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

School Climate and Social-Emotional Supports


SMI is based in Boston and has clients and projects in Massachusetts and around the country. We design and manage a variety of multidimensional, multi-year technical assistance efforts for school districts, foundations, state and federal agencies and other organizations.

 We have worked with the Mass. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education on a range of projects since 2008 – often focused on helping schools and districts build their capacity to address the needs of all of the students they serve; for example, by strengthening school culture, building more effective systems and partnerships to support struggling students, developing leadership strategies and structures, rethinking schedules, refining student support systems and family engagement strategies, etc.).

 SMI is also the state appointed receiver for the Parker Elementary School in New Bedford and has worked with other districts to deepen the “bench” of district and school leaders who can design and sustain effective school turnaround/improvement efforts.


Gregg Weltz, Executive Director
Phone: (920) 917-8965

Focused Schools

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

Leadership, Shared Responsibility and Collaboration, High Quality Core Instruction, Organizing the District for Successful Turnaround


The Focused Schools team was founded and is comprised of leaders with years of school and district experience as turnaround leaders. Using a common framework, we provide support through professional development, coaching, and technical assistance to help districts and schools improve teaching and learning opportunities for every student, no exception. From the onset of our partnerships, we begin to work ourselves out of a job by helping to build systems and structures that guarantee results.


Kerry Purcell, Senior Executive
Phone: (844) 957-2466

Transforming Education

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

School Climate and Social-Emotional Supports


Transforming Education (TransformEd) partners with school systems to support educators in fostering the development of the whole child so that all students, particularly those from underserved populations, can thrive. TransformEd has partnered with schools and districts serving over one million students in 24 US states to directly support practitioners in their efforts to implement, integrate, and sustain evidence-based and research-informed practices focused on the development of students’ social-emotional competencies and the learning environments that foster them.

TransformEd tailors services to the needs and contextual factors of each partner. Engagements typically include a combination of professional learning opportunities, assessment selection and data coaching, resource curation, strategic and implementation planning, technical assistance, consultation, and coaching.


Cori Stott
Phone: (617) 453-9750

National Institute for School Leadership (NISL)

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

Leadership, Shared Responsibility and Collaboration


The National Institute for School Leadership (NISL)’s mission is to provide district and school leaders with the tools, resources, and knowledge needed to create systems in which all schools are as effective as schools in the highest performing countries. NISL offers a suite of leadership institutes, including intensive leadership training focused on critical issues.


Phone:  913-909-1997

Mass Insight Education & Research

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Mass Insight Education & Research logo

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

Leadership, Shared Responsibility and Collaboration; Organizing the District for Successful Turnaround


Mass Insight Education & Research’s mission is to provide the leadership in closing the achievement and opportunity gaps for under-served students by focusing on system transformation and student academic success.


Phone:  216-280-2454

Center for Reading Recovery and Literacy Collaborative at Lesley University

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

Leadership, Shared Responsibility and Collaboration; High Quality Core Instruction


The Center for Reading Recovery and Literacy Collaborative (CRRLC) at Lesley University trains school-based literacy coaches, teachers, principals, interventionists, and school leadership teams in a comprehensive literacy model that meets the diverse needs of all learners in grades Pk-8.  The model's instructional framework maximizes time on learning by providing a structure for whole group, small group, and individual teaching in reading, writing, and word study.  Professional learning offerings include seminars and courses in:  effective literacy leadership for coaches, principals, and leadership teams; instructional workshops for teachers in guided reading, readers' workshop, writers' workshop, and phonics; and training for interventionists in Leveled Literacy Intervention.  Other professional learning focused on assessment and curriculum planning using the Fountas and Pinnell Literacy Continuum and Benchmark Assessment System.


Phone:  617-349-8424

Building Assets, Reducing Risks (BARR)

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

School Climate and Social-Emotional Supports


Designed by a 9th grade counselor, Building Assets, Reducing Risks (BARR) is rooted in the belief that growth is possible for every school, with the same teachers and the same students.  The BARR model uses eight interlocking strategies that facilitate real, meaningful relationships.  Guided by those relationships and real-time data, BARR educators are able to intervene with students at the right time to keep them on track.

Initial BARR model implementation occurs over the course of three years and includes two days of training each year, both in-person and remote coaching, professional learning communities, access to all of the necessary BARR materials and curricula, and annual reports.


Jennifer Urciaga
Phone: 651-231-4875

Public Consulting Group

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

Strategic Use of Human Capital


PCG Education’s EdForce™ is an educational human capital program that helps districts solve the difficult task of filling every classroom, by combining qualified educational talent within our well-developed educational only pipelines, while offering the latest educational industry professional development, coaching and mentoring supports to ensure success in the classroom.  PCG Education is committed as an “education” company with the capacity to partner with school districts to fulfill the charge of attracting talented candidates and helping to develop them into successful teachers, while recognizing the many rewards of being a career educator.


Robb Geier
Phone: 603-957-5272

TNTP Reimagine Teaching

TNTP Reimagine Teaching

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

  • Leadership, Shared Responsibility and Collaboration

  • High Quality Core Instruction

  • Strategic Use of Human Capital

  • Organization the District for Successful Turnaround


Leadership, Shared Responsibility and Collaboration - TNTP works with school leaders and their teams by developing customized support strategies that best fit each school and leader. Our work will center around three core components:

  1. Diagnostics, Prioritization & Planning. We conduct individual diagnostics with all partner schools to support school leaders to set a vision and goals with clear and measurable benchmarks throughout the year. Coaches help principals examine the best entry point for school improvement and begin to cultivate a clear set of plans for the first 90 days of school.

  2. Professional Development. Both during the summer and throughout the school year, principals attend PD sessions with other schools as well as differentiated PD sessions based on their individualized development goals. This includes professional learning with other leaders engaged in school turnaround efforts, providing a cohort of peers who will support one another’s learning.

  3. Leadership Coaching. On-site leadership coaching will focus on the development of effective management practices and prepare leaders to accurately assess teacher performance so they are better able to be strong developers of talent. TNTP builds the principal’s distributive leadership skills and supports leaders in upholding clear, consistent

High Quality Core Instruction - At TNTP, we believe all students deserve excellent teachers and our work focuses on ensuring great teaching is happening across all classrooms in a school. This means students are:

  • Fully engaged in the work of the lesson

  • Working on appropriately rigorous content that prepares them for success in college and the workforce

  • Taking ownership of their learning

  • Demonstrating understanding

Strategic Use of Human Capital - TNTP works with schools and districts to ensure access to talented educators and school leaders by focusing on four key strategies:

  1. Recruitment and Candidate Cultivation. Increase school systems’ capacity to reach ambitious targets and allocate resources to the right recruitment practices.

  2. A Smart Selection Model. Efficiently screen candidates so principals spend time interviewing only those most likely to be a fit for the school’s unique culture.

  3. Strategic Staffing Support. Give leaders a competitive edge by providing the capacity that positions their teams to fill vacancies earlier.

  4. Effective Retention Practices. Provide actionable school-level and system-wide data that leaders can use to set clear next steps shown to increase the retention of top-performers and yield improved student outcomes.

Organizing the District for Successful Turnaround - TNTP brings experience in aligning three critical components to ensure our district and school partners achieve transformative results.

  1. Put human capital front and center. District transformation efforts demand leadership talent with incredibly strong instructional vision and the ability to execute on that vision. We help develop robust human capital strategies that ensure schools have strong leaders, and effective teachers with deep content expertise.

  2. Bring coherence to the instructional vision and strategies. Turnaround schools demand a coherent strategy centered on an academic vision that is well-integrated, rigorous, aligned and sequenced to meet the needs of the students who will be served by the school.

  3. Put the people, time, money and program for success in place. For turnaround efforts to be successful, the policy, regulatory, collective bargaining and fiscal contexts must be addressed to strengthen autonomy and provide clearer accountability.


Dr. Rasheed Meadows, Vice President

School Works Assessing Quality, Building Capacity

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

  • Leadership, Shared Responsibility and Collaboration

  • Organization the District for Successful Turnaround


SchoolWorks ( is an education consulting company that provides a broad continuum of services to educators, administrators, institutions and governing bodies in support of K-12 education improvement and reform. With a foundation in assessment services, SchoolWorks has reviewed and documented the work of thousands of schools and districts since the company’s inception in 1998, developing and refining a proprietary set of research-based criteria (SchoolWorks Quality Criteria) and an evidence-based classroom observation tool (SchoolWorks Classroom Visit Tool) that serve as the framework for this work. With decades of insight into best practices across domains, SchoolWorks provides authoritative school improvement support by helping schools and districts identify their strengths and weaknesses, develop and execute meaningful and achievable action plans, and monitor ongoing progress. The company’s consulting services include 1) designing accountability frameworks; 2) school/district assessment; 3) leadership supports; 4) instructional supports; and 5) lead partner services for turnaround schools and districts.


Kim Wechtenhiser, President
Phone: 978-921-1674

New Classrooms Innovation Partners for Learning

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

High Quality Core Instruction


New Classrooms Innovation Partners (“New Classrooms”) is committed to reimagining the traditional classroom to help each student reach his or her full potential. New Classrooms designs personalized instructional models that re-imagine the use of time, talent, technology, and physical space in order to support personalized learning. We then support the implementation of these models within existing schools while sharing in the accountability for student outcomes.


Joel Rose, CEO & Co-Founder
Phone: 212-920-6130

HILL for Literacy

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

  1. Leadership, Shared Responsibility and Collaboration

  2. High Quality Core Instruction

  3. Academic Supports and Interventions for Students

  4. Organization the District for Successful Turnaround


The HILL partners with districts to assess literacy needs, implement research-based training, and deliver data-driven instruction so all students can achieve the literacy skills needed to be successful. We customize our training and consultation to meet the unique needs of the school district centered around the following goals:

  1. Implement leadership routines and systems necessary to institute evidence-based literacy practices within a tiered instructional model and build capacity to ensure sustainability of the school-wide literacy model.

  2. Implement research-based instructional programs and resources within a multi-tiered system of support framework.

  3. Create a consistent knowledgebase and common language among teachers that is based on the overview of reading, current reading research, and evidence-based practices in reading instruction.

  4. Establish a framework and process for using scientifically-based dynamic assessments to make instructional decisions at the district, school, grade, classroom, and individual student levels.


Dr. Darci Burns
Phone: 888-860-0190 x1

Engaging Schools

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

School Climate and Social-Emotional Supports


Full implementation of our Schoolwide Discipline and Student Support service in a school takes place over three years. It includes a review and revision of schoolwide policies, protocols, and practices to align with the school’s vision, mission, core values, and beliefs. This review is led by a School Climate-Discipline Team (SCDT) in collaboration with Engaging Schools. The service also includes training and support for creating Engaged Classrooms that are safe, orderly, caring, and well managed. Engaging Schools’ approach to instruction, classroom management, and discipline fosters academic, social, and emotional learning and development in all students, and establishes optimal conditions for learning. As a result, administrators, teachers, and ancillary staff more effectively provide academic and behavioral supports and interventions for all students that foster increased engagement in the classroom and increases in student self-directedness, social and self-awareness, and self-management, all of which contribute to significant reductions in unwanted behaviors. Activities to support the process include the following:

  1. Four-Day Schoolwide Discipline and Student Support Leadership Institute

  2. Four-Day Engaged Classrooms Institute

  3. Ongoing On-site Support and Coaching

  4. Student Support Team Retreats


Sarah Bialek, Director of District & School Partnerships
Phone:  617-492-1764 x 32

Generation Ready Partnering for School Success

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

  • Leadership, Shared Responsibility and Collaboration

  • High Quality Core Instruction


Working alongside teachers and principals, Generation Ready educational consultants provide customized professional development to help educators deliver student instruction that meets the evolving needs of today’s classroom. Our education consultants have at least 10 years of experience serving as superintendents, coaches, principals and teachers. We have an in-depth understanding of how to bring about effective change in schools in literacy, mathematics, leadership, cultural proficiency, school improvement and special education. Our results-driven professional development is made more effective by combining job-embedded consulting expertise with an evidence-based approach that is built upon the research of Dr. Richard Elmore, John Hattie, Robert Marzano, Charlotte Danielson, as well as Bruce Joyce and Beverly Showers.


Gianna Cassetta, Director, Literacy Services
Phone: 646-387-6402

City Year

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

Academic Supports and Interventions for Students


Diverse teams of City Year AmeriCorps members serve in Boston Public Schools as tutors, mentors, and role models for students most in need of additional individualized support at school. Our research-driven model focuses on three program areas proven to help students stay on track to high school graduation: consistent attendance, strong social-emotional skills, and improved academic coursework. As near-peers, City Year AmeriCorps members are uniquely positioned to form a strong bond with students to help them succeed. City Year AmeriCorps members support students in one-on-one and small group tutoring, support teacher-led classroom instruction, lead afterschool programs, and organize whole-school initiatives that promote a positive school culture and learning environment (e.g. attenDANCEs to celebrate students with strong attendance).


Heather Jenkins
Phone: 617-927-2408

Building Educated Leaders for Life (BELL)

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

Academic Supports and Interventions for Students


All children need opportunities to learn in order to fulfill their potential in school and in life. At BELL, we create high-quality, high-impact out-of-school learning opportunities for the children who need them most so that they, too, can develop the academic and social-emotional skills needed to excel. BELL builds the capacity of its school, district, and nonprofit partners to deliver evidence-based out-of-school-time programs that serve students, grades pre-K-8. BELL programs blend fun, hands-on enrichment activities with rigorous, standards-aligned academic instruction led by certified teachers    in math and English Language Arts. In BELL Summer and BELL After School programs, scholars experience academic success, gain self-confidence, and become more prepared and motivated to succeed in the classroom. The BELL model also supports teachers in learning and adopting effective instructional practices and helps parents become more engaged in their child’s education. Together, scholar success, teacher professional development, and parent involvement lead to stronger engagement, improved attendance, increased grades and test scores, and higher graduation rates.


Dan Dobin
Phone: 617-740-0439
Email: dan.dobin

Achievement Network

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

High Quality Core Instruction


As we know, there is no "quick fix" that can be applied to improving student outcomes.  Instead, we've found student achievement is the result of school-wide improvement and system-wide coherence.  Our support helps schools establish effective systems and structures that lead to stronger instruction.  We help system leaders, school-based instructional leadership teams and teachers all study the new standards.  Everyone needs to learn together what we're demanding of our students if we're going to create the system level coherence and understanding we need.  Instructional leadership teams can then develop teachers to deliver lessons based on those standards, assess how well students have mastered the material taught, and use data to identify how best to address the remaining gaps in student learning.  Establishing these practices in every school is a critical level to help us achieve the promise of the Common Core because it bolsters teachers' skill and judgment as educators, rather than simply training them to follow a new curriculum. 

To help schools achieve these goals, ANet provides our partner schools with a unique, integrated combination of tools and training:

  • Tools: Interim assessments designed FOR learning, not OF learning; Online instructional platform

  • Training: Job-embedded, school-based coaching; Group professional development and online learning; System-level alignment and coherence


Phone:  617-699-4492
Email:   Dorie Withey

City Connects

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Approved Priority Partners Categories

School Climate and Social-Emotional Supports


City Connects is an evidence-based approach to student support. City Connects is a system that takes advantage of resources and structures already present in schools and in communities. A full-time City Connects Coordinator establishes a hub for student support in each school. S/he meets with each classroom teacher and other school staff to review every student in a school every year. They discuss each student's strengths and needs in the areas of academics, social/emotional/behavioral growth, health, and family. Each students is then linked to a tailored set of services and enrichment opportunities in the school and/or community that address his or her unique strengths and needs. As a hub of student support in schools, a coordinator cultivates partnerships with community agencies, serving as a point of contact for the school. Coordinators collaborate closely the families and facilitate access to supports and enrichments. They use proprietary software to document, track, and report on service referrals, follow up to assure service delivery, and assess effectiveness. This systemic practice leads to measurable student outcomes.


Dr. Mary E. Walsh, Executive Director
Phone: 617-552-4231