School & Main Institute

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

School Climate and Social-Emotional Supports


SMI is based in Boston and has clients and projects in Massachusetts and around the country. We design and manage a variety of multidimensional, multi-year technical assistance efforts for school districts, foundations, state and federal agencies and other organizations.

 We have worked with the Mass. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education on a range of projects since 2008 – often focused on helping schools and districts build their capacity to address the needs of all of the students they serve; for example, by strengthening school culture, building more effective systems and partnerships to support struggling students, developing leadership strategies and structures, rethinking schedules, refining student support systems and family engagement strategies, etc.).

 SMI is also the state appointed receiver for the Parker Elementary School in New Bedford and has worked with other districts to deepen the “bench” of district and school leaders who can design and sustain effective school turnaround/improvement efforts.


Gregg Weltz, Executive Director
Phone: (920) 917-8965

Transforming Education

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

School Climate and Social-Emotional Supports


Transforming Education (TransformEd) partners with school systems to support educators in fostering the development of the whole child so that all students, particularly those from underserved populations, can thrive. TransformEd has partnered with schools and districts serving over one million students in 24 US states to directly support practitioners in their efforts to implement, integrate, and sustain evidence-based and research-informed practices focused on the development of students’ social-emotional competencies and the learning environments that foster them.

TransformEd tailors services to the needs and contextual factors of each partner. Engagements typically include a combination of professional learning opportunities, assessment selection and data coaching, resource curation, strategic and implementation planning, technical assistance, consultation, and coaching.


Cori Stott
Phone: (617) 453-9750

Building Assets, Reducing Risks (BARR)

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

School Climate and Social-Emotional Supports


Designed by a 9th grade counselor, Building Assets, Reducing Risks (BARR) is rooted in the belief that growth is possible for every school, with the same teachers and the same students.  The BARR model uses eight interlocking strategies that facilitate real, meaningful relationships.  Guided by those relationships and real-time data, BARR educators are able to intervene with students at the right time to keep them on track.

Initial BARR model implementation occurs over the course of three years and includes two days of training each year, both in-person and remote coaching, professional learning communities, access to all of the necessary BARR materials and curricula, and annual reports.


Jennifer Urciaga
Phone: 651-231-4875

Engaging Schools

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

School Climate and Social-Emotional Supports


Full implementation of our Schoolwide Discipline and Student Support service in a school takes place over three years. It includes a review and revision of schoolwide policies, protocols, and practices to align with the school’s vision, mission, core values, and beliefs. This review is led by a School Climate-Discipline Team (SCDT) in collaboration with Engaging Schools. The service also includes training and support for creating Engaged Classrooms that are safe, orderly, caring, and well managed. Engaging Schools’ approach to instruction, classroom management, and discipline fosters academic, social, and emotional learning and development in all students, and establishes optimal conditions for learning. As a result, administrators, teachers, and ancillary staff more effectively provide academic and behavioral supports and interventions for all students that foster increased engagement in the classroom and increases in student self-directedness, social and self-awareness, and self-management, all of which contribute to significant reductions in unwanted behaviors. Activities to support the process include the following:

  1. Four-Day Schoolwide Discipline and Student Support Leadership Institute

  2. Four-Day Engaged Classrooms Institute

  3. Ongoing On-site Support and Coaching

  4. Student Support Team Retreats


Sarah Bialek, Director of District & School Partnerships
Phone:  617-492-1764 x 32

City Connects

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Approved Priority Partners Categories

School Climate and Social-Emotional Supports


City Connects is an evidence-based approach to student support. City Connects is a system that takes advantage of resources and structures already present in schools and in communities. A full-time City Connects Coordinator establishes a hub for student support in each school. S/he meets with each classroom teacher and other school staff to review every student in a school every year. They discuss each student's strengths and needs in the areas of academics, social/emotional/behavioral growth, health, and family. Each students is then linked to a tailored set of services and enrichment opportunities in the school and/or community that address his or her unique strengths and needs. As a hub of student support in schools, a coordinator cultivates partnerships with community agencies, serving as a point of contact for the school. Coordinators collaborate closely the families and facilitate access to supports and enrichments. They use proprietary software to document, track, and report on service referrals, follow up to assure service delivery, and assess effectiveness. This systemic practice leads to measurable student outcomes.


Dr. Mary E. Walsh, Executive Director
Phone: 617-552-4231