Engaging Schools
/Approved Priority Partner Categories
School Climate and Social-Emotional Supports
Full implementation of our Schoolwide Discipline and Student Support service in a school takes place over three years. It includes a review and revision of schoolwide policies, protocols, and practices to align with the school’s vision, mission, core values, and beliefs. This review is led by a School Climate-Discipline Team (SCDT) in collaboration with Engaging Schools. The service also includes training and support for creating Engaged Classrooms that are safe, orderly, caring, and well managed. Engaging Schools’ approach to instruction, classroom management, and discipline fosters academic, social, and emotional learning and development in all students, and establishes optimal conditions for learning. As a result, administrators, teachers, and ancillary staff more effectively provide academic and behavioral supports and interventions for all students that foster increased engagement in the classroom and increases in student self-directedness, social and self-awareness, and self-management, all of which contribute to significant reductions in unwanted behaviors. Activities to support the process include the following:
Four-Day Schoolwide Discipline and Student Support Leadership Institute
Four-Day Engaged Classrooms Institute
Ongoing On-site Support and Coaching
Student Support Team Retreats
Sarah Bialek, Director of District & School Partnerships
Phone: 617-492-1764 x 32
Email: sbialek@engagingschools.org