Center for Reading Recovery and Literacy Collaborative at Lesley University
/Approved Priority Partner Categories
Leadership, Shared Responsibility and Collaboration; High Quality Core Instruction
The Center for Reading Recovery and Literacy Collaborative (CRRLC) at Lesley University trains school-based literacy coaches, teachers, principals, interventionists, and school leadership teams in a comprehensive literacy model that meets the diverse needs of all learners in grades Pk-8. The model's instructional framework maximizes time on learning by providing a structure for whole group, small group, and individual teaching in reading, writing, and word study. Professional learning offerings include seminars and courses in: effective literacy leadership for coaches, principals, and leadership teams; instructional workshops for teachers in guided reading, readers' workshop, writers' workshop, and phonics; and training for interventionists in Leveled Literacy Intervention. Other professional learning focused on assessment and curriculum planning using the Fountas and Pinnell Literacy Continuum and Benchmark Assessment System.
Phone: 617-349-8424