Achievement Network

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Approved Priority Partner Categories

High Quality Core Instruction


As we know, there is no "quick fix" that can be applied to improving student outcomes.  Instead, we've found student achievement is the result of school-wide improvement and system-wide coherence.  Our support helps schools establish effective systems and structures that lead to stronger instruction.  We help system leaders, school-based instructional leadership teams and teachers all study the new standards.  Everyone needs to learn together what we're demanding of our students if we're going to create the system level coherence and understanding we need.  Instructional leadership teams can then develop teachers to deliver lessons based on those standards, assess how well students have mastered the material taught, and use data to identify how best to address the remaining gaps in student learning.  Establishing these practices in every school is a critical level to help us achieve the promise of the Common Core because it bolsters teachers' skill and judgment as educators, rather than simply training them to follow a new curriculum. 

To help schools achieve these goals, ANet provides our partner schools with a unique, integrated combination of tools and training:

  • Tools: Interim assessments designed FOR learning, not OF learning; Online instructional platform

  • Training: Job-embedded, school-based coaching; Group professional development and online learning; System-level alignment and coherence


Phone:  617-699-4492
Email:   Dorie Withey