MTSS Introduction Videos and Facilitation Guide

Table of contents from MTSS Video Facilitation Guide.

This resource contains seven videos that introduce the viewer to the key drivers, foundational frameworks, and focus of the MTSS Blueprint. The videos are embedded in the MTSS Mobilization Guide (see pages 10-17 for Video Facilitation Guide) to support learning and team collaboration.

Resource Links

MTSS Videos


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education with Novak Educational Consulting and Rodriguez Educational Consulting Agency


MTSS Tiered Resource Map

Picture of resource map template.

This resource mapping template will help you inventory the Curriculum & Instruction/ Interventions, Assessments, and Data-Based Decision practices you are currently using (or have the goal of using) at each tier. Please note that this template should not be used in place of the MTSS Self-Assessment, which helps teams unpack where they have strengths and needs relative to the systems needed to effectively implement MTSS. Map away!

Resource Link

MTSS Tiered Resource Map (word document)


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education with Novak Educational Consulting and Rodriguez Educational Consulting Agency


MTSS Diagnostic

First page of MTSS DIAGNOSTIC Assessment.

The MTSS Diagnostic assessment is intended to be used to determine current understanding of the research and theory behind the design and delivery of effective multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS). This assessment can be used by individuals or teams to determine prior knowledge, uncover variability, and introduce learners to the MTSS Blueprint.

Resource Link

MTSS Diagnostic


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education with Novak Educational Consulting and Rodriguez Educational Consulting Agency


MTSS Self-Assessment

Cover page of MTSS Self-Assessment.

The MTSS Self-Assessment is designed to help district teams assess the systems and structures that they have (or do not have) in place to foster an effective multi-tiered system of support (MTSS). The results of the self-assessment will help illuminate current gaps and strengths and can be used for prioritization and planning purposes. This tool was designed to give a district-level perspective and should be used by a team consisting of a range of stakeholders (i.e., representation from different departments, roles, etc.). The self-assessment is aligned to the 2018 MTSS Blueprint redesign.

Resource Link

MTSS Self-Assessment


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education with Novak Educational Consulting and Rodriguez Educational Consulting Agency.


MTSS Mobilization Guide

Cover page for MTSS Mobilization Guide.

All students are capable of success. A Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a framework for how school districts can build the necessary systems to ensure that each and every student receives a high quality educational experience. In order to support implementation of the MTSS Blueprint, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education welcomes educators and leaders to use MTSS Mobilization Guide to help understand the most current research on MTSS and how to get started building a system that will address the needs of all students.

Resource Links

MTSS Mobilization Guide


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education with Novak Educational Consulting and Rodriguez Educational Consulting Agency


MTSS Blueprint

MTSS Blueprint Imagine.

All students are capable of success. A Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a framework for how school districts can build the necessary systems to ensure that each and every student receives a high quality educational experience. It is designed to support schools with proactively identifying and addressing the strengths and needs of all students by optimizing data-driven decision-making, progress monitoring, and the use of evidence-based supports and strategies with increasing intensity to sustain student growth. In 2018, Massachusetts updated its MTSS Blueprint to reflect the most current research and enhance the user experience. The current blueprint more explicitly focuses on equitable access and universal design for learning (UDL) and fully integrates social emotional, behavioral, and academic learning.

Resource Links

MTSS Blueprint


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education with Novak Educational Consulting and Rodriguez Educational Consulting Agency


Supporting and Responding to Behavior - Evidence Based Classroom Strategies for Teachers

Concise guide that provides a PBIS practices self-assessment tool, classroom decision-making chart, and classroom-based practice examples organized by topic, e.g., setting expectations, developing routines, using behavior-specific praise, responding to problem behavior, collecting and using behavior data, etc.

Resource Link

Supporting and Responding to Behavior - Evidence Based Classroom Practices for Teachers


Adapted from the PBIS Technical Brief on Classroom PBIS Strategies written by: Brandi Simonsen, Jennifer Freeman, Steve Goodman, Barbara Mitchell, Jessica Swain-Bradway, Brigid Flannery, George Sugai, Heather George, and Bob Putman, 2015

Innovating to Support Student Success: P.K. Yonge School Case Study

Learn how the P.K. Yonge School in Florida structured its tiered systems of support approach.  The case study includes information on how "Student Success Teams" are organized and run, how "tiering" is done, and how the staff take an integrated view of academic and social emotional or behavioral support needs. 

Resource Links



A Climate for Academic Success: How School Climate Distinguished Schools that are Beating the Achievement Odds

This research study explores the climate of a handful of secondary schools with extraordinary success compared to other schools, including those that consistently under-perform.  A growing body of research suggests that school climate may be an important variable in explaining why some schools are more successful than others.  Learn about how these school's focused on climate and experienced overall improvement. 

Resource Link

A Climate for Academic Success


California Comprehensive Center